Data security services
Data Security Services
A few years back, one could hardly imagine that it would be possible to securely store/transfer large documents online with the help of the World Wide Web. Now, the picture is different and you can securely and easily store/send a big file quickly with the range of DasDex Products. Now, a person can easily store/share large sized files with businesses, friends and colleagues online.
Threats in Data Sharing through
unsecured network
Solution in dealing with threats through DasDex® Mail
Data Loss and Leakage
Data is secured through encryption
Identity theft
The whole identity theft boulder can start rolling once an attacker gets access to your email account, but if you use DasDex® Mail possibilities of hacking is minimized as it works on HTTPS platform and use unique key for each transmission
Theft and data interception
Data interception can be avoided as the data is transmitted and saved in encrypted format
Hacker attacks
Multiple line of defence for better protection against any hacking attempt
Organizations are vulnerable to data loss and
Vulnerable data loss protection through secured sharing of enterprise
Employees behave badly when it comes to data sharing and collaboration
No need to give access to any employee for transferring files through pen
hard drives or unsecured sharing folders, transfer files size of 50GB through secured DasDex® Mail irrespective of any format(Doc, Excel, Pdf, Zip, Video,Files etc.)
DasDex Mail
Transfer big files with encryption.
Send Up to 25 files of 50 GB each via laptop, tablet or smartphone.
It is simple and easy to share large data with businesses and associates.
DasDex Place
Highly secure File share.
Store, share and transfer data in encrypted format.
Manage Storage volumes and users.
Share your data with customers, suppliers and employees
Cyber Defence Centre Rack (CDCR)
Our Cyber Defence Centre Rack contains integrated automated Cyber Defence Centre servers running on latest state of the art Technologies and our smart network concept.